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Monday, April 4, 2011

Fuel cells, solar little help in blackouts

Although many consumers are increasingly interested in installing fuel cell and solar power generation systems at home as alternative power sources in the event of a power outage, such systems may not be as helpful as they hope.
Companies offering these power generation systems say they have received many inquiries from consumers as to whether the systems could be used during a power outage.
But they said fuel cells need a motor that is powered by an ordinary power supply. Fuel cells therefore cannot be used at the time of a power outage.
Solar power generation, meanwhile, is ineffective as it generates only a small amount of power.
Since these systems were developed as energy-saving devices, users cannot expect them to make up a household's full power load during a blackout, an industry source said.
Tokyo Gas Co. and several other energy companies started selling the Ene-Farm household-use fuel cell cogeneration system in 2009. Under this system, electricity is generated through a chemical reaction between oxygen in the atmosphere and hydrogen extracted from city gas.
Since Tokyo Electric Power Co. started rolling blackouts due to a power shortage in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, Tokyo Gas has received a growing number of inquiries from individuals who said they want to use the Ene-Farm as an alternative power source during blackouts and wonder whether it could actually be used in such a situation.
Tokyo Gas says the system cannot be used during a blackout since an electricity-driven motor is needed to take in hydrogen and oxygen.
The gas company also warns that such devices could be damaged if a

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